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Case study

Capital living

“Capital Living has been able to make £3.3m in revenue with only five full-time staff, which is phenomenal when compared to the market average, and a direct result of the impact of the White Cobalt system. We have standardised our processes to produce consistent and effortless results for our customers for years to come. Their integration between Xero and our system has been incredible; ask them about it!”

Adam Goff, CEO and Founder


Capital Living sought to disrupt the House in Multiple Occupancy (HMO) market. By targeting young professionals needing more than simple accommodation, they created a niche tenancy business, using a community approach to support tenants or ‘members’. As a result, the business has seen rapid expansion.

The problem

Capital Living’s original process and systems restricted profitable growth, due to the complexities of the business. The company had to manage the end-to-end process of tenant discussions and contracts, onboarding and outboarding tenants, manage maintenance requests and fulfilment, and deal with all financial flows that supported these. In addition, the risks associated with running the business, with strong regulatory compliance needs, created additional commercial exposure.

Our approach

Given the intricacies of the HMO sector, Capital Living’s processes required a comprehensive review. Through a detailed series of discussions, we mapped the various workflows of Capital Living into a coherent relationship map. This included:

  • Where data was created and input
  • Inter-related tasks and where these needed to be ratified and safeguarded
  • Ownership of facilities management tasks
  • Financial and monetary transactions
  • Risk and compliance at a commercial and legal level.

To streamline and minimise the work required by Capital Living to run their business, we discussed and advised on the use of intuitive user screens, which would facilitate the input of information, certification and other documents by members and sub-contractors.

With significant monies moving within the business at all times, it was imperative that we create a system that could provide a real-time and accurate view of the financial status of the business. We also defined the management controls needed, and the best way of viewing information at both macro and micro level. This was achieved with full automation, and real-time dashboards and flexible reports, where we transformed raw data in to a clear and precise view of their business.

The outcome

“We have standardised our processes to produce consistent and effortless results for our customers for years to come”
Adam Goff, CEO and Founder

Capital Living now have a meaningful, accurate and real-time view on all aspects of their business. This enables them to manage all costs, assess profitability down to individual rooms and tenants, and also predict occupancy levels so that they increase their portfolio of properties to maximise revenues. Their customer service has significantly improved, and Capital Living now has a paper-free and transparent end-to-end process.

The simplicity of how the users can manage the complex business processes has resulted in a truly scalable business, with low staffing overhead, whilst driving down risk with full compliance built in. Additionally, the revenue Capital Living now realise has far exceeded averages for this sector, which are around £100,000 per staff member.

Case studies

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