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Case study

Helen Bamber Foundation

"The client management system that White Cobalt built for us has meant we now have to hand accurate information about our clients and how we as a service are working for them. This has transformed our engagement with our clients, potential partners and funders. Enabling us to speak with confidence to what is happening in individual cases as well as the results we are seeing across all our services"

Kerry Smith, CEO


The Helen Bamber Foundation (HBF) is a human rights charity based in London with a specialist team of therapists, doctors and legal experts who provide therapeutic care, medical consultation, legal services and practical support to survivors of human cruelty. It was vital that they could clearly show their partners and funders the effectiveness, scope and scale of the care that was being provided. Being able to see a clear, concise and accurate overview of their operations was a core imperative to their continued funding and delivery of their care programmes.

The problem

The foundation was accessing and processing confidential and personal information across a wide range of regulatory bodies and care providers, including government departments, agencies and legal teams. They also co-ordinate assessments and continuous interactions from their own teams, medical, mental health and development, legal, immigration, housing and education. However, the processes in place were manual and mostly non-digital based. In addition, there was no overall view of a client’s assessment, needs, approved support and help, and progress monitoring for delivering the necessary care. The processes had no integration and their digital infrastructure consisted of simple Word documents, spreadsheets, and an aging Access database.

Our approach

Before we started suggesting any changes, we gained a far-reaching and in-depth understanding of HBF’s end-to-end client processes. We identified the areas that would benefit most from improved efficiency and developed the client support stages that would:

  • Be intuitive for the team to use
  • Speed workflows
  • Facilitate accurate data input
  • Share data into each integrated care stage
  • Enable collaboration between HBF and all delivery partners
  • Provide flexible, accurate and usable management reports

By delivering a secure, integrated care management system, we brought clarity and definition to the organisation. It ensured a stable, manageable environment that has enabled the organisation to deliver high quality care, and meet the increasing need of stakeholders to demonstrate continued value/success of the foundation.

The outcome

By focusing on HBF’s priorities, we maximised all resources and budgets, and delivered on their key objectives and goals. We improved client care, brought organisational stability, assured all staff and stakeholders of security and confidentiality of data, enabled enhanced reporting, simplified and automated processes, improved staff management and efficiency and enhanced team communications throughout the organisation.

Our new system guides and reinforces HBF’s processes, which drives data accuracy, shared knowledge across the organisation and the ability to deliver detailed insight into their effectiveness in supporting the needs of their clients.

Case studies

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